Copyediting 3¢/word
Is your manuscript completely written, but needs a bit of finesse? Then a healthy copyedit is for you. Meek Manuscripts will:
- Clarify prose: Let’s make sure your audience can hear what you’re saying.
- Tighten sentence structure: Why use nine words when four will do?
- Correct syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation (and all those other things our English teachers warned us about): Their, there, or they’re?
- Make style and format consistent: How do I cite that unpublished, impromptu speech?
Proofreading 2¢/word
Is your manuscript composed well and ready to submit to a publisher or your dissertation committee? If so, a thorough proofread is what the doctor ordered. Meek Manuscripts will:
- Catch typos, grammatical errors, and misspelled words.
- Resolve any discrepancies inthe text.
- Double check citations for consistency and correctness.
Formatting 2¢/word
You’ve done the hard work of writing your dissertation andnow you need to be certain it conforms to your school’s style guide. Meek Manuscripts will make all necessary adjustments to margins, citations, fonts, tables, table of contents, line spacing, layout, and figures.
- Turabian
- The Chicago Manual of Style
- Your school’s guide
Meek Manuscripts provided quality work at an affordable price. Russell Meek copyedited my book in a timely manner and exceeded my expectations. His knowledge of Hebrew was a definite bonus. If you are looking for professional work done with integrity, I highly recommend Meek Manuscripts.”