Editing Projects

Meek Manuscripts focuses on the medium so you can focus on the message.

The Case for Christ Young Reader’s Edition: Investigating the Toughest Questions about Jesus

Lee Strobel

The First One Hundred Years of Christianity: An Introduction to Its History, Literature, and Development

Udo Schnelle

Rethink Your Self: The Power of Looking Up Before Looking In

Trevin Wax

Hosea: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible

Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament

Jerry Hwang


Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Pentateuch

John Goldingay

Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic: New Insights for Reading the Old Testament

Benjamin J. Noonan

Transitioning the Church: Leading the Established Church to Reach the Unchurched

Zach Williams

Exalting Jesus in Psalms, vol. 2

Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

David Platt, Jim Shaddix, and Matt Mason

1 and 2 Peter, Jude

The Christian Standard Commentary

Thomas R. Schreiner

Basics of Hebrew Discourse: A Guide to Working with Hebrew Prose and Poetry

Matthew H. Patton and Frederic Clarke Putnam

First and Second Timothy and Titus

Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament

Christopher R. Hutson

Jesus, Skepticism, and the Problem of History: Criteria and Context in the Study of Christian Origins

Darrell E. Bock and Ed Komoszewski (editors)

The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy

Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum (editors)

Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology: A Book by Book Guide to Archaeological Discoveries Related to the Bible

J. Randall Price and H. Wayne House

The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Old Testament

Bill T. Arnold and Brent A. Strawn

The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic (2nd Edition)

Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt

Theological Negotiations: Proposals in Soteriology and Anthropology

Douglas Farrow

The Testing of God’s Sons: The Refining of Faith as a Biblical Theme

Gregory S. Smith

Ten Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage (Updated and Expanded Edition)

David and Claudia Arp

A Student’s Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic (Updated Edition)

Larry A. Mitchel

The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: A Theological Commentary

Jonathan T. Pennington

The SBC and the 21st Century: Reflection, Renewal, and Recommitment

Jason K. Allen (editor)


The Story of God Bible Commentary

Michael F. Bird


Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament

Sigve Tonstad

Recapturing the Voice of God: Shaping Sermons like Scripture

Steven W. Smith

Reading Genesis Well

C. John Collins

Psalms 73–150

New American Commentary

Daniel J. Estes

Psalms, vol. 2

NIV Application Commentary

W. Dennis Tucker Jr. and Jamie A. Grant


The Story of God Bible Commentary

Ryan O’Dowd

Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course between Dispensational and Covenantal Theologies

Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker (editors)

Preaching the Farewell Discourse: An Expository Walk-Through of John 13:31–17:26

L. Scott Kellum

Philippians and Philemon

Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament

James W. Thompson and Bruce W. Longenecker

Illustrated Bible Commentary Survey: An Introduction

Ed Hinson and Elmer Towns

Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction (2nd edition)

Ellis R. Brotzman and Eric J. Tully

Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application

Roy E. Gane

Judges and Ruth

Teach the Text Commentary Series

Kenneth C. Way


Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Edward W. Klink

Jesus the God-Man: The Unity and Diversity of the Gospel Portrayals

Darrell Bock and Benjamin Simpson

Jesus according to Scripture: Restoring the Portrait from the Gospels

Darrell Bock and Benjamin Simpson

Invitation to the Septuagint (2nd edition)

Karen H. Jobes and Moisés Silva

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (3rd edition)

William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr.

Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance

David A. deSilva and James Charlesworth

Interpreting the Old Testament Theologically: Essays in Honor of Willem A. Van Gemeren

Andrew Abernathy (ed.)

Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament

David L. Mathewson and Elodie B. Emig

Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology

Richard A. Fuhr and Andreas Köstenberger

How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth

Christopher J. H. Wright

The Gospels and Acts

The Holman Apologetics Commentary on the Bible

A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture

J. de Waal Dryden

The Heartbeat of Old Testament Theology: Three Creedal Expressions

Mark J. Boda

Hearing the Message of Daniel: Sustaining Faith in Today’s World

Christopher J. H. Wright


The Story of God Bible Commentary

Tremper Longman III

Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

Counterpoints: Bible and Theology

Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy

Counterpoints: Bible and Theology

The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel

Tremper Longman III

The Extent of the Atonement: A Historical and Critical Review

David L. Allen

Exegetical Gems from Biblical Hebrew: A Refreshing Guide to Grammar and Interpretation

H. H. Hardy

Exalting Jesus in Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

Micah Fries, Stephen Rummage, and Robby Gallaty

Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount

Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

David Platt

Exalting Jesus in Song of Songs

Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

Daniel L. Akin

Exalting Jesus in Revelation

Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

Daniel L. Akin

Russell Meek has been an invaluable member of the book review editorial team at the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures. He does the lion’s share of the work in shepherding the countless book reviews through the editorial process from transformation into the Journal House Style to digitization of the text for posting online. We could not do what we do without his expertise, accuracy and faithfulness.”

Mark J. Boda Ph.D., Book Review Editor, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures